In Strasbourg

In Strasbourg

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cycling in Schoorl

Very few places in the Netherlands are away from the noise of people. Schoorl is one of them.

Yesterday we trained north to visit Denis and Sylvia and family - a two hour trip from Dordrecht via Amsterdam. Schoorl is on the North Sea, near Bergen and Bergen an Zee. These villages are set close to the ocean, among forested dunes in a much tracked, serene countryside. Only the ever present vapour trails of a thousand jets above remind that you are in the middle of 700 million people. It was quiet and beautiful. Although in summer, Sylvia tells us, it is packed.

Sylvia suggested we cycle, we thought that a great idea. For three hours or so, we glided through the forest, over dunes, down lanes and through picturesque villages. It was warm enough for us to lunch in the sun on pea soup. 

And as we rode on, the primary point of contact between us and the bikes became tender. Then sore. Then excrutiating. Syl opined loudly that childbirth was easier. She dismounted, balked and walked. And eventually we made it back to catch up with Denis and kids and a feast of Dutch mussels and nasi. A lovely day.

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