In Strasbourg

In Strasbourg

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not far from Limerick.............................

We were driving close to Limerick and it seemed a good idea to attempt some verse. 

I even bought a book of limericks in Killarney - the girl said they 'might be a bit rude' . When we got into the car and Syl started reading them, we found that they mostly rhymed with Jock, hunt, falls, luck and nick. So we had our own competition. Who wins?  


The O’Brien children, dining at Spillane’s,
Were driving their parents insane,
Their quest to be best,
In the family limerick test,
Was banal, or worse, inane.


There once was a girl named Cait,
Who one day met her soul-mate,
His name was Sven,
And he was tall as Big Ben,
So she asked him out for a date.


There was a cold man called Peter,
Who sat too close to a heater,
When he burnt his poor bum,
His children made fun,
Though his Syl was much sweeter.


There was a young fellow named Hughie,
Who was known to be quite spewie,
On roads that were windy,
He would say please don’t mind me,
As he sealed his sick bag with a chewie.


A man from the wild Blasket Isles
Who suffered severely from piles
Couldn't sit down
For fear he would drown
So he had to row standing for miles.


  1. A cousin way back in Australia
    Attempted a rhyme to regale ya
    So he sat on his arse
    Till he owned up at last
    His limerick was truly a failure

    Have a Guinness for me. Loving the posts (wish I were there) MM

  2. Too jet lagged to do a limerick, but have enjoyed looking at your trails. Kate and I arrived home in good form having had 24 hours in Singapore without luggage (fortunately we have it now). Singapore is very hot when you only have a wool shirt, long pants and socks and sneekers. However, the hotel (Marina Sands Bay hotel) was quite luxurious with the upgrade we received, so were able to mooch around in the relative cool. We loved Ireland and have very similar if not identical photos. Enjoy, love mair

  3. hi mair - glad to hear your trip went well, albeit warmly in spore! we will compare notes on return at xmas.peter
